Cooperation Agreement Signed for the Development of Information Modeling Technologies

On September 1, 2022, a cooperation agreement was signed for the development of information modeling technologies among the private institution of the State Corporation "Rosatom" "OCSC", JSC "CSoft Group", JSC "CSoft Development", and LLC "Nanosoft Development". The main focus of the interaction is the joint participation in the development of the national standard system "Unified Information Modeling System".

Cooperation Agreement Signed for the Development of Information Modeling Technologies

The objective of the Unified Information Modeling System (SUMI) is to establish a normative technical base of documents to improve the efficiency of investment and construction activities and the management of modeling objects in the Russian Federation.

The development of the national standards of SUMI is carried out within the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 505 "Information Modeling" with the purpose of implementing the orders of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.12.2021 No. 3883-r "Strategic Direction in the Field of Digital Transformation of the Construction Industry, Urban Planning, and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation until 2030" and of 20.12.2021 No. 3719-r "Plan of Measures ('Road Map') for the Use of Information Modeling Technologies in the Design and Construction of Capital Construction Objects, as well as to Stimulate the Use of Energy-Efficient and Eco-Friendly Materials, Including the Need for Their Production in the Russian Federation".

Currently, 13 projects of national standards of SUMI are being developed. The basic standard GOST R "SUMI. Basic Provisions" has passed the stage of public discussion and is in the final drafting status, which is presented for examination and approval by Rosstandart.

AO "CSoft Development" is a developer of specialized software for the management of production companies, engineering analysis, industrial and civil construction, and is included in the Register of accredited organizations conducting activities in the field of information technologies.

OOO "Nanosoft Development" is a Russian developer of CAD and TIM for the digital accompaniment of industrial and civil construction objects at all stages of the life cycle. The company helps its clients to achieve import independence in the field of engineering software and ensure the security of critically important IT infrastructure.

The private institution of the State Corporation "Rosatom" "OCSC" is the functional center of the State Corporation "Rosatom" for the control, regulation, and improvement of the processes of management and realization of investment and construction projects in the nuclear industry.